The Woman Behind The Smartest Woman Alive

I'm Leea. 

41 year old mother to two, wife to one, and I love doing research and learning new things. 

I have also been around since the internet was invented, so was able in my younger days to snag the amazing thesmartestwomanalive email address. I love all things tech, and have loved watching as new and exciting things come out each year. Having the world at your fingertips was not something I grew up with (I am a Xennial after all) and the awesomeness of that wealth of information has never been lost to me. 

Having the world at your fingertips, whilst amazing, can also be totally overwhelming. 

Our daily lives are overloaded with millions of tiny decisions each day, our individual executive function is at capacity, so sometimes you need someone to do those hard yards for you. Someone to read the plethora of reviews, to troll through the seemingly endless options available... and that's just what I have done. I have never bought anything, gone anywhere, or even eaten out somewhere without what could be considered a ridiculous amount of homework beforehand, and rather than let it go to waste, I have decided to share it here. 

As a coeliac  my research obsession gets focussed when it comes to food and travel, and different gluten free options. As a Mum on a budget, with a busy schedule, I want the best for my kids, without breaking the bank, and also makes all our lives easier. 

I have tried and tested it.

Everything here will be things that I have researched online, scouring the internet for people who look at these things every day, I have read reviews, watched YouTube, read countless articles and opinions and product comparisons. I have then, and only then, settled, and tired it out for myself. Just like sharing ideas and 'life hacks' with the other Mums down on the oval on a school day afternoon, hopefully some more people will find my discoveries useful. 

I know that I am not a subject matter expert in many things, but as Socrates said "I am the smartest of all men, because I know that I do not know everything" and hence, I am the Smartest Woman Alive.  😄


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