Period Proof: Underwear for Peace of Mind

What Did I Decide On: 

Bonds Bloody Comfy Period Undies 

Why They Are Awesome: 

I love Bonds underwear. Actually, I love Bonds everything, and with good reason. These undies are everything Bonds is known for, comfortable, breathable, funky patterns and colours, with the added benefit of fantastic absorption. They are available in Light, Medium and Heavy flow options, and heaps of styles, from bikini to boyleg.

Bloody Comfy Period Full Brief Moderate

Why You Might Think Twice: 

As with most period things, the padding is noticeable, but less so than a pad, and you get used to it very quickly. Personally I have had some issues with some of my pairs stitching coming apart, but it has only been in the boyfit ones. Also, its not been enough to put me off from buying more! 

You also do have to hand wash them, which can seem a bit weird at first, but easy and after a while you get into a routine/habit.

The Story Behind the Decision:

Periods suck. No need to beat around the bush here, and anything that makes it less crappy is always a plus. Pads always made me feel terrible, and tampons, while more user friendly for me, started to really feel like a waste, as in literal waste. I had seen the emergence of period underpants, or menstrual cups, and I knew that I wanted to do something better, more environmentally friendly, but also, lets face it, cheaper. Constantly buying pads and tampons is not only environmentally wasteful, it costs money, that you literally throw away. 

But... what to choose?

I had recommendations for menstrual cups, but there was something I couldn't; and honestly still can't, get my head around with using them. Don't get me wrong, I think they are great, and glad they are an option, but they are just not for me. So I decided to look into the many, MANY, different options of period underpants. I kept coming back to Bonds, as it was a brand that I knew, that I trusted, and that I felt comfortable with. Reviews sounded good, and as a Bonds member I get discounts so that was certainly a factor. Then, with a 40% off (which they have ALL.THE.TIME) I decided to grab a couple of pairs. 

I love them.

I now have them in both medium and heavy flow types, and wear then even when I am not on my period. I love them for night time, and they give me added confidence just all month. A cliché of which I am acutely aware.  I have all the styles, and they are super comfy, and even kinda sexy, especially when paired with my fav Bonds crops for sleeping (I'll do a separate post on that). They also have them for tweens, so perfect for those first few months/years when you have no idea when it's going to happen.  I have completely ditched all my pads and tampons, and will not be going back. Also, check the Bonds website, chances are they are having a sale, what do you have to lose?

My Amazon Affiliate link as well if you want to check them out there Bloody Comfy Period Undies


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