Pagan Persecution: How the Shift to Christianity Impacted Cats
Have you ever heard someone say “Be careful, you’ll become a crazy old cat lady” as if being an independent boss bitch with pet cats is something to look down on? Why is that? Why do cats, especially when linked to a single woman, have this negative connotation? I mean yeah, if you die a cat will likely eat you if no one finds you for a few days, but a dog might eat your face off, and a cute little hamster might build a nest from your skin. Yep. Its true, just ask real live Bones aka forensic anthropologist Carolyn Rando. So, what’s with all the pussy cat prejudice? Well, it wasn’t always so. Cats have been around us humans for thousands of years, Ancient Egyptians are well known for their feline affinity, Bastet (or Bast) was the goddess of protection, fertility, pleasure and the bringer of good health. In Norse Mythology, one of the most renowned goddesses Freyja rode a chariot drawn by cats, and she was the goddess of love, fertility, battle and death. Cats were depicted in reli...